Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hypnosis For Children: What It Means

Hypnotherapy is the process of using hypnosis to treat any disease, addiction or disorders. Currently, hypnosis are used for children to overcome any anxiety, fear or other issues that can affect them as they grow. Most of children, respond to hypnotherapy pretty well, which is why this technique is pretty much getting attention and used by experts to resolve juvenile concerns.

Hypnotherapy is attributed on resolving bedwetting, thumb sucking, eating problems and other problems. It is even attributed in releasing stress and pressure children experienced. They say that children can be hypnotized as early as 3, but children above age 5 are found to be more responsive to hypnosis.

Actually all people can benefit from hypnosis. There are pregnant women suing this to reduce early morning sickness and nausea. It can even be used during labor so that the pain would not be that painful.

A hypnotherapy technique mostly used for children would be the “blow away” technique. In this technique or method, the children are induced into a hypnotic state asking to blow away any negative feelings. Other techniques would include relaxation and mental images which is somehow related to a daydream or a child’s fantasy.

The number of sessions needed by a child depends on the development and progress that can be seen. But on the average, 4 to 8 session are needed to make positive changes. The changes brought by hypnotherapy can be permanent. Not until, there are negative forces or influences that the child can feel. This would bring the effects of the session to rubble. If this cases or situations ever occur, then there would be reinforcement or back up sessions to help the child strengthen the positive traits that were built-up in the past.

Children with the following problems can be helped by hypnosis:

- Children in pain, like those who are undergoing treatment for cancer.
- Children who is often anxious and breathes quickly and shows faster heart rate.
- Children who have been wetting their bed at night time.
- Children with asthma.
- Children with different problems or disorders like ADHD or parents who are undergoing separation or divorce.

Not giving attention to the children’s difficulties eventually led the students to fail in their schoolwork, lack if focus and ability to concentrate and social withdrawal. How they relate with the family members and the friends also change. These behavioural problems, like fear and anxieties, tend to show through their mannerisms. It could manifest with twitching, hair pulling, nail biting, asthma attacks, etc.

Most people had the impression that when somebody undergoes hypnosis they do not know what they are doing. When children undergo hypnotherapy sessions, the expert hypnotists make sure that the children know what they are saying to them and what they are going to do is actually for their benefit.

Hypnosis is also effective because it uses three elements that reverberate on the individual. The three most important elements of hypnosis are relaxation, increased concentration and focus on the goal. When all of these elements worked together, the results can be very positive.

Although it is still not that popular among pediatricians, it is starting to gain trust. According to a study written by Michael Castleman, it cited that Johns Hopkins is recognizing hypnosis for children something valuable for addressing problems like migraines or headaches, anxiousness, bed-wetting and pain.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Weight Loss & Hypnosis For Children

Who does not want to lose weight? Whenever we look at ourselves in a mirror how we wish we could shed some pounds. The same would be with our children. One of the methods being used nowadays is hypnotism for children to help them lose some weight.

Obesity and complications and diseases brought by being overweight are some of the common problems that not only adults are facing. Statistics are showing that approximately 22 million of children worldwide with the age of 5 and below re considered obese.

Adults are also not safe from the statistics. There are 58 million people considered to be overweight,40 million are obese and 3 million are very much obese. Based on this gloomy data is that we are suffering from our disregard of our health. There is relatively 76 percent increase of patients who have Type II diabetes.

Actually most people are gaining weight by simply not paying attention to what is being ingested by the body. Actually, losing weight is no miracle. It has to be worked on and the regimen should be strictly followed.

Actually, experts do not see eye to eye on what is the best and fastest way to lose weight. This is why before attempting any weight loss regimen it is important to consult with your doctor first.

Using hypnosis in losing weight, you do only focus on losing the symptoms of being fat but the focus is on the goal. Hypnotherapy totally changes what you think about gaining weight and losing weight. It does not simply dictate you to lose weight but this change your perception and thoughts about gaining weight.

How do you use hypnosis in helping children and parent, alike to lose weight?

- To lose weight the reason for being overweight should be addressed. And you should not think that losing weight can be done over and over again. Since in hypnosis, it is said that the mind or the subconscious reacts to what we feed to it. So if we think that we are not going to lose weight ever again, it means that we are not going to gain weight again. We are getting rid of the excess weight permanently

- Approach your relationship with food with a different perspective, you are totally removing the old habit you have and shifting into a new “relationship”.

- Patience is important. Imagine, that it took time before you ere able to build-up all the fats you have stocked in your body. It would be a while before you can shed the excess fat.

- Do not deprive yourself. Once or twice a month of guilty eating would not make your fat.

The discipline you need to follow to make this weight loss program succeed relies on self-hypnosis. If you are doing hypnotherapy with a hypnotherapist, make sure you are open to the suggestions. Most suggestions would be about previous experiences, how you cam change perception and sensation. It could even have an effect to the emotion, thought and behaviour.

Using hypnosis for weight loss, you too can learn just how good it feels to take back control over your diet and yourself and to enjoy eating foods that are good for you and help your body to perform at its best every day. The benefit of hypnosis with weight loss, that it can be used by different ages. Hypnosis can be used with children and adults alike. When you try this method, you do not have anything to lose anyway, just the pounds.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Positive Parenting: In Relation To Use of Hypnosis For ChildrenF

The use of hypnosis for children is starting to be a common method in dealing with children who are having difficulties in advancing into adulthood. Aside from using hypnosis to deal with different behavioural and health problems, hypnosis parenting or using hypnosis with your children at home is also starting to get known.

Hypnosis parenting, experts claim, is a method o positive parenting. What are ideas behind this parenting and how do they work?

Hypnosis is not ordering or becoming authoritative to other people. This is something that we should understand and be clear about. Hypnosis, unlike what we commonly know, is not about making people do something which they would not remember or stop doing. Hypnosis is about suggestions.

Experts said that our children are already suggestible from their parents. Almost all parents are familiar with their baby’s emotions and facial expressions. Actually, if we smile in a baby and make eye contact it is highly possible that would be smiling back. Children learn from the parents through the parents’ actions and expressions. If a parent want to teach something to their children, it is important to show an example that we are also following these rules that were set out for them.

Hypnosis parenting is not only applicable when you want your children to do their homework or do household chores. You can only use hypnosis to help them with difficulty in sleeping or nervousness and tension before exams, school presentation or a game.

How to do this?

You can start by talking to them before they go to sleep. Make sure that they are comfortable and make them close their eyes. You could start telling a story which would show the protagonist succeeding in the challenges that he faced. Use positive images when telling a story. This would help your child ease the tension. Aside from helping your child ease out the tension, the parent and the child also got the chance to spent some bonding moment together.

What the parent say have an impact on how children feel about themselves. An example would be the behaviour they show. If the child is refuses to follow certain rules in the house, and you get a heated discussion over it, more probably that the child would still be the same.

You could replace the heated discussion with random positive statements, like saying that the child are improving much on their behaviour and acknowledging their efforts to behave. The child will feel better and eventually will believe that he is indeed behaving well. Soon enough, the child will change his behaviour for the better.

These simple suggestions helped the children’s mind or its subconscious to accept and believe in them. So if the statements made or the statements that a child can hear are all negative, the subconscious would believe it and the child will follow it in real life.

But if positive statements are heard by the child, even if they are randomly dropped statements, the subconscious perceive this as the truth and would eventually translate into their actions.

Hypnosis for children can even be used in encouraging them to do household chores. All you want to do is look at them straight into the eyes and ask them to do the household chores. A little bobbing of the head, would encourage your child to agree to do the job delegated to them.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Treatment of Pains & Hypnosis For Children

The word hypnosis seems to conjure bad images for a number of people. I’m sure we have watched something, whether it is a movie or an animation, about people falling or doing evil things because of being hypnotized. So when you say, hypnosis for children, parents tend to be overprotective.

Actually, hypnotism is not bad at all. Studies have showed hypnotism helping children and adults deal with chronic pain, insomnia, stress, depression, weight gain and fears or phobia. Currently, hypnosis is being used in pain management.

Unlike the deep sleep that we know, people under hypnotism or hypnotherapy are conscious on what they are doing and what they can hear and understand. Hypnotism can be used to treat diseases and disorder, it is called hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is used in pain management.

There are three strategies in using hypnosis in pain management:

Physical relaxation – focusing on relaxation while feeling the pain, reduces the pain to vibrate and escalate. When tension is mixed pain, this heightens the pain. Muscle tension tends to pull on the muscles where it is hurting.

Sensory alteration – this strategy changes how we perceive the pain. Focusing to a different feeling will eventually filter out the hurt that you are experiencing.

Distraction – focus is shifted to other things to remove any attention to the body part feeling the pain.

Actually there are studies showing how effective hypnosis is in pain reliving. Hypnosis with combined with other alternative form of medication like acupuncture can relieve chronic pain patients. This can also be used to help children who are in the hospital undergoing painful treatments. Self-hypnosis against pain can be learned and be performed by children. There are studies showing children who can do self- hypnotism recorded less migraine occurrence than those children who are thinking medication.

Using hypnosis for children would show complications once the hypnosis lifted or removed. Some side-effects would include confusion, fainting, dizziness, nausea, fatigue and anxiety. Most of the side-effects are short-termed but there are some patients who experience stupor, psychological problems, and some patients even display recurring episodes of the previous shock. Based on these experiences, it is imperative to investigate on the background on profile of the patient and screen those who are susceptible to the mentioned side-effects.

A problem may also occur when the hypnotherapist forget to lift the hypnosis. The patient may sustain serious injury or any complication without the patient even knowing or feeling it at all.

Over the course of applying hypnotherapy to children, studies and practices showed that children find it easier to face painful medical procedures like bone marrow aspiration, cancer patients, postoperative pain, chronic headache and remove anxiety tin children who would undergo surgery.

Actually, if hypnosis history is traced, it would show that during early period, hypnosis is used to help patients who would be undergoing agonizing surgeries before anaesthetics were discovered. When anaesthesia was discovered in the middle of 19th century, chemical induced painless surgeries were favoured over tradition hypnosis. When chemicals and anaesthesia is useless or not enough in relieving the pain, this is when self-hypnosis is used.

Studies have showed that hypnosis for children was able to help them remove any pain and help them undergo medical procedures or simply just live their life. But more importantly, we must identify that it is really, well sometimes, just in the mind.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Myths Regarding Hypnosis for Children

Hypnosis for children is done to help children combat cases of pain, insomnia, depression brought about by divorce or death. It can also be used to fight excessive weight, night mares and even lessen asthma attacks. There are significant advantages or contributions that hypnosis can do for children.

Unfortunately, amidst all these gains and benefits, there are still some people who believe in hypnotic myths. The following are some of the myths on hypnosis and what we can say about them.

Myth1. The person under hypnosis has no control over his mind and actions.

Hypnosis is induced in a tie when the person is still conscious and able to take and understand suggestions. Children who are undergoing hypnotherapy can comprehensively talk with the hypnotherapist. Hypnotherapy is done when the person is in deep relaxation and not in deep slumber. Things are said as a suggestion and not as an authoritative command. People who have undergone hypnosis would definitely remember what transpired during the session.

Myth2. Hypnosis is an evil act. It can be compared to voodoo in some levels.

Hypnosis is not at all connected to any evil or Satanic acts. Hypnotism intends to help people of their emotional, mental and physical problems not injure them with any satanic and demonic ritual. Actually, hypnosis is a natural state that people undergo in different times a day.

Myth3. Hypnosis only affects those who are weak in personality.

Hypnosis is something which happens naturally to our lives. Actually, children ages 7 to 8 are said to be more prone to lapse into hypnotic stages. Their mind is more creative and more imaginative. This enables them to enter into a daydream or deep relaxation even during class or any time of the day. Anybody can induce into a moment of self-hypnotic state.

Myth4. You can get stuck in a hypnotic state.

Hypnosis is not a limbo where souls get stuck and unable to go to the next realm. Hypnosis is a state of awareness and consciousness. Getting into the hypnotic state enables the children and adults, as well, to get to know their deeper feelings and thoughts.

Myth5. Hypnosis can be used as a truth serum, extracting the truth from other people.

A person could not go into hypnotic state if that person would not allow the hypnotherapist to. Before children undergo any hypnotism, therapist would talk to them and explain what it is that they would do and how it would help them. Upon hypnotism, if a suggestion is in contrast with the principles of the client, they would not accept the suggestion. So if the person being investigated would not give the answer to the question, then hypnosis could not do anything about it.

Myth6. Hypnosis is not accepted by the medical community.

The British Medical Association accepted hypnotism as a treatment in 1955, while the American Medical Association endorsed it in 1958. The National Institute of Health endorsed hypnotherapy as one of the methods to relieve pain to cancer patients in 1995.

Myth7. Hypnosis therapy results are not as good as the other traditional therapies.

According to American Health Magazine published in August 2006, 36 percent of patients who go to psychoanalysis would experience results after 600 sessions. Behaviour therapy would show 72 percent recovery rate after 22 sessions. Hypnotherapy showed 93 percent of recovery after just 6 sessions.

These numerous myths smear how people regard hypnotherapy and how safe it is to hypnosis to children. But what is important to know is the truth behind all myths.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Disadvantages Of Hypnosis For Children

Hypnosis for children to resolve or address some issues or problems regarding behaviour or health is called hypnotherapy. In hypnotherapy, children use their daydreams to change their behaviours, sensations and other symptoms. Not everybody can be a hypnotherapist. A trained health and psychiatric profession is needed to put children, also adults, into hypnosis.

Hypnotherapy or using hypnosis for treatments used to be unthinkable. Most people and patients alike, tend to think that hypnotherapists would require their patient to walk, cluck like chickens when hypnotized. One major disadvantage of this treatment, is the lack of support it has endured as an alternative treatment.

But currently, things are starting to shape up for hypnotic treatment. There are medical groups who are starting to recognize the potential of hypnotherapy in treating illnesses and dealing with disorders.

In 1958, the American Medical Association, already recognized hypnosis as a form of treatment. The American Psychological Association has acknowledged hypnosis as treatment years ago. The National Institute of Health expressed it support for hypnotherapy as a method of relieving pain for cancer patients in 1995.

But still regardless of the medical endorsements, there is still a prevailing outlook that hypnosis as a treatment is negative and images of funny people on hypnotic state conjures up to our mind.

Another disadvantage of hypnotherapy is that there are children or people who cannot be hypnotized at all. Children who show psychotic symptoms are not compatible with hypnotic treatment. While children or teen-agers using drugs or alcohol also prove to be poor hypnotic patients.

Hypnotherapy is best recommended for children ages 5 and above. Children, unlike adults, are more in touch with their imaginative side. This could be either beneficial or detrimental in the hypnosis process. That is why different approaches should be used based on different age and characteristics.

Hypnotherapy can also be done by parents to their children. Experts say that children with ages seven to eight are in the hypnotic state most of the time even when there is no hypnotist around. On these ages, children take in suggestion very seriously. Parents who tend not to be too sensitive with what they say to their children may say some remarks which can be both hurtful and have some effect on their self-esteem.

This is why children who are undergoing hypnotherapy tends to be sensitive to what is around them remember that hypnotherapy and its positive effects can be turned into rubble when negative energy surrounds the child. Parents should be sensitive with what they say and suggest to their children.

Sometimes a hypnotherapist may forget to remove the suggestions of the hypnotic sessions. If a child is undergoing therapy for pain management, this could pose a problem. When under these kind of treatment, children may run into accidents or serious problem which may cause serious injury and not get any proper treatment. It is important for parents to take note of these when sessions for hypnosis of children is done.

It is important to remember that these disadvantages of using hypnosis for children is more of a social prejudice. There are some people who regard hypnosis as control or manipulation of one’s mind and body which is completely untrue. Hypnotherapy when properly done could render positive and massive results. Most of our fear about hypnotherapy is rooted on how it was viewed in the past, which is mostly myths.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hypnosis for Children: A History Of

Nobody can say for sure when hypnosis started. But historians seem to agree that his has been used for more than a thousand years. Remember witch doctors or spiritual priests entering into a trance talking to the supernatural and the spirits in order to save people from diseases or misfortune.

Ancient Egyptians has been using hypnosis to relieve pain and cure diseases. They would have healing temples which are called Temples of Sleep. Those who are sick are given suggestions while induced to sleep. This suggestions are to direct their mind that they would be healed of their illnesses. Ancient Egyptians, aside from healing through sleep, has also used hypnosis to endure prolonged physical pain. They used this as we use anaesthesia right now.

Hundreds of years later, in 1765, Franz Anton Mesmer introduced animal magnetism. He stated that man could influence a magnetic fluid which could help in the healing process. His thought became an influential school. There were salons were he would apply magnets in people’s afflicted body parts.

After a few years, Le Marquis de Puysegur, believed the magnetic power the Mesmer is talking abour is actually present in his own mind and transferred through fingers to the person sick. He discovered that you could induce a very deep sleep where the person who is sleeping will follow the command. This is referred to as the perfect crisis or the profound sleep.

During this time hypnosis was referred to as mesmerism. In 1837, Dr. John Elliotson cited that hypnosis can be associated to voluntary and involuntary movement which he claims to be linked to the mesmerism theory. Dr Elliotson claimed that there is a doctor in India who has been amputating legs with the aid of hypnosis. The doctor saving lives if India is named Dr. James Esdail. And upon on his departure from India, it was said that he able to perform 300 operations and 19 of them is amputation.

Dr. James Baird saw a French man named La Fontaine in his mesmerism demonstration. After experiencing this, he put it into practice and were able to put the patients into a deep sleep that would make them accept any medical suggestion made by the doctors.

Actually during World War I, hypnosis was used by the Germans to make sure that their soldiers were able to recover from shell- shock. This would enable them to return immediately to their trenches.

Hypnosis started to gain interest among practitioners in the medical field. Sigmund Freud was said to be the firs proponent of hypnotherapy. Originally, Freud started studying hypnotherapy in late 1890s until he shifted into a new practice or method on 1905. Freud stated that suggestion can be made in an attempt make treatment speedy.

Dr. Milton Erickson is one of the few people who greatly influenced hypnotherapists. He has accomplished a lot of books and research about hypnotherapy. Dr. Erickson’s study became the foundation of NLP or the neuro-linguistic programming which became widely used in trading and marketing.

Currently, hypnotherapy are used on only on adults but also with children. Hypnosis for children were proven to have resolved some issues concerning behaviour and health disorders. Hypnotherapy was formally endorsed by the British Medical Association in 1955. Three years after, the American Medical Association did the same. They endorsed hypnotherapy as a form of treatment.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Enduring Divorce and Separation With Hypnosis for Children

Divorce is one of the most stressful events that could happen to a person. When a child is involved in the split. Many problems could happen, its effects on the child could be huge. Sometimes, children with low esteem can be attributed with the parent’s divorce. Hypnosis for children is one of the few methods being used nowadays to help children cope with a stressful event.

Younger children do not really understand divorce and most of the times decide not to thinks or act about it. In most cases, the older children or adolescents also show composure upon the announcement of divorce.

But still there are some children who think that the relationship is falling out because of his behaviour. This is the perspective of a child. He would foster this feeling, developing an image that he is unlovable and cannot have the ability to also love.

Children will develop this feeling upon seeing that their parents are having emotional difficulties. They are not used to seeing their parents stressed out and emotional like this. When parents are preoccupied with their own emotional problems, they tend to forget to provide the comfort, guidance and protection that they need to give to their own children. Psychologists refer to this as the stage of “diminished parental capacity.”

Another problem children encounter would be the sense of loyalty the child is forced to reckon with. The child feels that he or she is expressing disloyalty when he loves both parents. Children of divorced parents often feel that their parents resent them because they came or are a product of both of them. In subconscious level, when parents show dislike or venomous reaction to each other, the children feel that they are also disliked.

Hypnotherapy would be able to help children cope in quickest, most successful and drug-free on the complications of the parent’s slip. Hypnosis is valuable for helping children picture himself as an individual who can be loved and accepted. The great thing about children is that they have wide imagination which can be used to visualize that they are lovable and acceptable.

Sometimes children are put into a position where they fill the void that was emptied out by the spouse. Sometimes the spouse will fill the child with troubles or talk about work, while some single parents would take their children out to adult dinners. Although the child seems to enjoy these moments that they share with the parents, it is important to remember that they are children and should not be concerned with adult problems.

Hypnotherapy enables children to relax and fin their inner peace. This helps the children to become children again and experience their childhood rather than be affected by adult problems.

By undergoing hypnotherapy, the children are put into deep relaxation or daydream. All the fears, anxiety, depression, grief, weight, bad feelings and resentment are all “blown away”, making the child free from negative thoughts and emotions.

There are also hypnosis recordings to which your child can listen to. There are different CD compilations talking about divorce that will help children go through the difficult time. Aside from addressing the negative feelings, there are also hypnosis recordings and methods that would address self-esteem and self-confidence building. Hypnosis for children is not the only thing that would help your children get through with the difficult moment, but it is the support, understanding and love that you extend to them that would matter.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hypnosis for Children: Benefits!!

Hypnosis for children are starting to get attention nowadays since it is giving and showing results in helping children deal with problems, illnesses and other conditions. Hypnosis is getting recognized as a treatment. It is getting attention from pediatricians who are not even using this practice or method

Some benefits of hypnotherapy would include treatment of anxiety, fears and phobias, reducing pain and stress, self confidence building, alleviating depression, addressing loss of weight, putting stop into smoking and even enhance performance whether in athletics or academics.

Hypnosis makes use of the deep relaxation as its element. Deep relaxation enables the mind to be more receptive of changes since the mind opens up during this time. This period of deep relaxation is not a sleeping nor an awake period of time. This is induced by a person skilful in therapy and hypnosis. The mind is awake during this time, unlike what myths say, that the mind during this period is completely unconscious.

Unlike what most people and doubters say that a hypnotized person is unable to control their own actions, children have the command on their own action. Receptivity is important. You cannot hypnotize a person who does not want to be hypnotized.

This is the same for hypnotism for children. Even if the parents like to have the children undergo hypnotherapy, it is important to make sure that the children understand this process and able to get their full attention and cooperation. Although the mind is open during the period of hypnosis, the subconscious would still not accept the suggestion if it conflicts with the person’s values and beliefs.

Since hypnotherapy invokes deep relaxation, it is said to reduce blood pressure, stress, anxiety, and pain. It could even change habits like smoking, alcohol consumption and eating too much.

Hypnosis can even be used in eliminating phobias. It can even help in reducing predetermined nausea and vomiting brought by treatment for cancer or pregnancy. It is important to remember that children or people who have mental illnesses should not undergo hypnotism

Hypnotherapy for children can resolve problems like bedwetting in children or teenagers. It can also reduce nightmares and night terrors. It also addresses fear or phobia of animals or even school. It also helps children who are having difficulties at school and with behavioural problems.

Results showed that children who took hypnotherapy are more confident, they have an increased self-esteem, reduced stress, tension and anxiety. Children are also able to get rid any of their negative emotions which affect their school performance or social interaction.

Being a good parent does not only mean that we should provide the physical and material needs of our children. Giving them emotional and mental support and be able to provide the best possible future to our children is our responsibility.

Hypnotherapy is an alternative medication. And alternative medicine is being used by almost 40 percent of Americans nowadays. Alternative medication can render very successful results, sometimes much better than taking prescribed drugs and medicines.

Hypnotherapy or hypnosis for children is an option which you can try to help your children face their problems. There are people testifying on its phenomenal results, but also there are critics saying that there are not enough evidences showing significant results. But surely, something drug-free, calming and enjoyable is something worthwhile to be used for the children.

Monday, April 26, 2010

More About Self Hypnosis

Self-hypnosis is a new trend that is fast gaining support not only from the new age community but even from the ordinary people. This is perhaps because the procedure has somehow managed to remove what people are mostly against in hypnosis— the participation of an outside person who will be controlling your mind or the hypnotist.

With self-hypnosis, you are basically the one who is going to work on your own hypnosis. Although you will be guided by a professional who will be teaching you the ropes to start the hypnosis session and will be monitoring your progress throughout the period where you will be conducting the procedure, you will largely be responsible for your own sessions. The control is all in your hands. Because of this, all the talk about being in control of another person is no longer relevant. Now, there is no more fear of being manipulated or being made to do things that you do not want to do. After all, you will be the one to hypnotize yourself.

Still, self-hypnosis is a new thing and a lot of people are still cautious on getting into it. It works largely like the ordinary self-hypnosis sessions except that you will be the one to do it on your own. You can make suggestions to yourself depending on the change that you want to enforce in yourself.

Self-hypnosis is especially useful for people who want to quit bad habits but have become so used to it that it becomes a routine and a part of their automatic reaction system. Bad habits like cursing or shouting can be removed with a little bit of hypnosis. Another area that self-hypnosis can work well is in improving the concentration levels of people. This is especially useful for people who are into work that needs heavy concentration and those that are into sports.

Speaking of sports, some people also find that self-hypnosis works effectively in improving the performance of people in sports. This is not to say that it somehow strengthens their bodies or gives them unusual precision. Self-hypnosis is not about those things. It cannot change what is already there like your physical strength or your talent. What it can change though is your ability to focus on the task and your fearlessness. After all, fears can remove a lot from a person’s performance because it allows us to feel and think instead of just doing what your instincts tell you.

Self-hypnosis also purportedly works in the realm of medicine. It is used to relieve people from certain symptoms and sometimes even numb them from pain. Self-hypnosis can “unswitch” a receptor in the brain that allows us to feel the pain or experience the symptoms. These things will still be there, the only difference is the brain and therefore your body will not feel them anymore. That’s what is called using your mind over matter or in this case, your body.

Unlike hypnosis though, self-hypnosis can take some time to take effect. As most people who have done the procedures, progress will be a bit slow because remember you will doing all the procedures and admittedly you are not a professional hypnotists. Patients will need time to even get used to the idea or be able to do the procedure itself. This is why some still prepare the usual form of hypnosis.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hypnosis for Children: Bedtime Stories

How many times have we herd some rustling coming from the children’s bedroom only to find-out that our kids are having sleeping problems or are wetting the bed. Fortunately for us, these issues can be addressed by using hypnosis for children.

There are more and more children who are feeling the effects of insomnia. In a 1997 survey, it showed results that there are 11 percent of children with ages 5 to 12 who cannot sleep well at night, 7 percent would wake up at the middle of the night, 17 percent would have difficulties waking up the next day and another 17 percent would feel extremely exhausted.

Insomnia among children is attributed mainly to night time fears and anxious dreams. These may be an effect of several factors like environmental aspects, consumption of alcohol or caffeine, or sometimes inadequate parental supervision. Children who sleep late of course tends to wake up late.

Hypnosis for children is used to help children relax or calm down before bedtime. In contrast of what is widely known, you do not have to be asleep to be affected by hypnosis. You should be unconscious but into deep state of relaxation. The subconscious would be more receptive to suggestion during this period. There are programs where the hypnotherapists would give your suggestions which would eliminate stress and other negative energy preventing you to get a restful street.

After entering a deep relaxed state, it is important to address the reason behind restlessness at night. Resolving insomnia with hypnosis also involves you to look into your habits and change your nightly ritual which would help you to quickly fall asleep soundly.

There are also visualization in which the mind can be trained to flush out all thoughts and feeling that brings anxiety and stress preventing you to be at peace and at ease when on your own bed. There are also hypnosis insomnia which encourage patients to listen to CD or watch DVD.

About bedwetting, one out of three children wet the bed at age six. While there are about 2 to 10 percent of teenagers who still wet the bed from time to time. Unresolved, bedwetting can even lead to more severe problems as they grow older.

Hypnosis can also be used to resolve bedwetting problems. There are several CDs where children could listen to stories especially befitting their situations. Some parents discover that aside from removing bed wetting problems, children also started to have:

- Appreciate themselves more
- Discover unique abilities
- Deal with sadness in a healthier manner
- Handle criticisms very well
- Achieve a feeling of well being and in control

Most of the type the hypnosis method for children used is in gentler forms, most of the hypnotherapists use the “blow away technique”. They blow away emotions and fears which prevent them from sleeping or wetting the bed.

Of course there is something much better than hypnosis for children, prevention is still the top action that you can do. Instead to giving them lectures and getting angry because of wetting the bed, focus more on the success they have done previously for staying dry overnight. Remind them to go or relive themselves in the bathroom before going to bed and also limiting the liquid intake two hours before going to bed.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Self Hypnosis: Things To Know!!

Self-hypnosis has become one of the hottest ways to help people cope with their addiction. Of course, this is not something that you can use for instance when you are addicted to drugs or when you have a bad case of mental disorder. For the most part, self-hypnosis works for addictions that are not deeply-rooted and does not involve any forms of withdrawal.

One of the most common uses of self-hypnosis nowadays is towards self-improvement and personality shift. If you want for instance to suddenly become more patient and manage your anger well, this is the procedure for you. The same goes with people who want to excel academically by enhancing their memory and concentration skills. Self-hypnosis is also found to be effective when it comes to helping relive pain after a medical procedure or when pain is one of the symptoms. There are some who have even used self-hypnosis to quit smoking although it was not completely effective in all of the cases. According to experts, the effectiveness of the procedure will still depend on the individual’s own personality and response. There are people who are much easier to hypnotize than others.

Despite its more modern uses, self-hypnosis or hypnosis in general has been part of the world’s history since time immemorial. The Egypt for instance found this a good thing and likened it to spiritualism. The Church however do not condone the use of hypnosis and have even been mentioned in the past as one way to open the mind to the devil. New age believers however feel that hypnosis is an untapped science that can help the humankind when utilized better.

Contrary to what most believe, self-hypnosis is safe, perhaps even safer than professionally administered hypnosis because you are basically in control of your own mind. You are not surrendering complete control to the hypnotist. This is good especially if you are not really sure on the abilities of your hypnotist. Doing it yourself can however have a downside. One of them is its slow rate of response. You may need to wait awhile before you can actually notice a change in your behavior. You may have to work real hard for it as opposed to sitting pretty in the company of a professional hypnotist.

This “your own effort” bit is most often what attracts people to self-hypnosis. If you must remember, one of the earlier criticisms against hypnosis is the fact that patients are not essentially changing their behavior but having someone tweak it for them. There is no hard work involved nor there is an intrinsic change to speak of. However, even with the emphasis on doing it on your own, you still need the guidance of a professional hypnotist. In fact before starting the session, you need to get instructions from them. They will also answer all your questions and guide you through your sessions. There is still professional involvement in the sense that they will be monitoring your progress.

On what is more effective, self-hypnosis or professionally-administered, the jury is still out. According to industry experts, a lot depends on the patient who may respond well or not well to a hypnosis session. Still, the mere fact that you can have complete control over yourself even during a hypnosis session already makes self-hypnosis the better choice for most people.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Self Hypnosis: What It Is

Today, more and more people practice self hypnosis even at the comforts of their own homes. Although this can be done, it is best to do with if one has knowledge or background on the practice. To know more about self hypnosis, a research must be done before actually trying it or practicing it at home. Research on self hypnosis can be done by using the Internet and looking for online sites that offer information on the subject. With just one click on any search engine, thousands of references may appear on the screen. Look for those sites that can link you to what would you want to know about the practice so you won't have to waste time in searching all those links.

Aside from doing an online research, you can also get information from various books and magazines. There are actually so many health magazines that come up with features on self hypnosis because they believe that this can greatly help the overall well being of a person. If you know people who have been practicing self hypnosis, you can also ask them for some tips on how to start with it and how to make it easier for you.

One great way of being informed about self hypnosis is knowing how it started or where did it originate so you will have a better understanding of the practice. There were so many people who were considered as pioneers when it comes to self hypnosis. Many of them were influential in the practice and somehow formed what it is today just like Scottish physician and surgeon named James Braid who claims to discover self hypnosis or hypnotism in 1894. After discovering it, he first taught it to several clients before actually tried it to himself. His theory in self hypnosis says that but "feeling is the very truth" once you tried to use it when dealing with physical or emotional problems.

In the beginning of 20th century, Émile Coué had his take on self hypnosis as well. Many say that he is an influential figures when it comes to the subsequent development of the practice. He came up with the theory on "conscious autosuggestion" which eventually became renowned around the world for being an effective self-help system. His detachment from the concept of the usual "hypnosis" were passed to his followers like as Charles Baudouin who is one of the pioneers of modern hypnotherapists.

German psychiatrist Johannes Schultz also became a well known figure in the field of hypnosis when he developed "autogenic training". This specific training is designed for relaxation and was made to public awareness when it was first published way back in the year 1932. The influence of Schultz in this approach was fellow German hypnotist named Oskar Vogt.

Hypnotherapist and early behavior therapist Andrew Salter also contributed a lot in self hypnosis when he published his first major academic journal on self-hypnosis that talked about the three techniques of autohypnosis in 1841involving "autohypnosis by post-hypnotic suggestion", "autohypnosis by memorised trance instructions," and "fractional autohypnosis".

Who can benefit from self hypnosis?

Experts say that when used or practiced properly, self hypnosis can benefit everybody. This is everybody—who undergo different levels of stress and those who need motivation for personal development or to increase performance in strenuous activities such as sports. Self hypnosis can also be used for extensive modern hypnotherapy which can be done through a learned routine or through listening to a CD where the routine is recorded.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Downsides Of Self Hypnosis

One of the techniques being used right now anywhere from fighting off addictions as well as in improving concentration and learning is self-hypnosis, which is one form of hypnosis that allows the person to take on the responsibility for the procedure. This, for some, is vastly preferable as some sectors are still not comfortable placing a person under the control of another. With self-hypnosis, the control is entirely in the individual’s hands.

One of the most common problems that self-hypnosis is used for is for self-improvement. People who want to improve their social skills or manage their anger better can utilize self-hypnosis to unlearn or relearn what they need to. There are also some in the medical fields that use this procedure in order to lessen the impact of pain and physical symptoms. Self-hypnosis after all can fool the brain and make it believe that there is no more pain.

Critics of the procedure have however argued that the change in behavior and in overall wellbeing is not true and is only temporary. It is only there as long as self-hypnosis is effective but the change is only artificial and the root of the problem is only masked and not removed.

Still fans of this procedure have attested to its effectiveness especially in getting rid of bad habits and freeing themselves from chronic body pain. Besides, as they would argue, these people have learned these bad habits and that self-hypnosis will only make unlearning it easier and faster. Still, if you feel that you are comfortable with a professional controlling you, it is recommended that you have a professional perform the hypnosis instead of doing it yourself. Besides having full control over the procedure, they will also be more in the know regarding it.

To get started with self-hypnosis, you will of course need a professional hypnotist to guide you. These people will be the ones to help you with the instructions and the procedure. The whole procedure is different for every person. Some people will find it easier to manage while others can completely lose into it. After all, they will basically depend on the subconscious and will need to have the strength of mind to deal with it.

Self-hypnosis may not however be as effective as being done by a professional but the peace of mind and independence that you get from knowing that you are in control can mean a lot to some people. This knowledge of having the power to change yourself sometimes make up for the limitations that self-hypnosis brings to the table. The progress for instance with self-hypnosis may not be as fast with one professionally done. But as most patients have already implied, slow but sure is better than making a major change through the hands of an incompetent hypnotist.

There is no need to worry about safety. Just because you are doing it does not mean that it is any less safe. There is no truth to the claims that self-hypnosis can open the mind for the devil to enter or that people can get crazy because of it. A person under self-hypnotic state will have the same safeguards as with ordinary life. Actually, there is not much difference. The difference lies in the segment of the person’s personality that he or she wishes to change.

All in all self-hypnosis is an effective tool in curbing bad habits and lessening pain but the jury is still out on whether it can go mainstream.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Ups And Downs Of Self Hypnosis

Self-hypnosis is a new procedure that is taking the country by storm. Despite being relatively new compared to the usual hypnosis procedures with professionals, self-hypnosis has enjoyed a lot of buzz in recent years. This is perhaps due to the fact that it is completely different from what people usually expect from hypnosis procedures which is a lot of control.

Although the same control can still be seen in self-hypnosis, that control will largely come from the patients themselves. There is no more hypnotist involved that can manipulate you into doing things that you don’t want to do and not know that you are doing at all. This time the control and the power to change will be all in your hands. The procedure actually answers two of the things that critics question about hypnosis itself.

The first one is the idea that a person other than yourself is controlling you and is entering your mind. Mind control is something that people still fear about until now. With self-hypnosis, there will be no hypnotist. Although they will be there to teach you the basics and guide you through the procedure as well as check on your progress, all the hypnosis will be in your hands. You will have control of your own mind, which is how things should be even in real life.

The next thing is the fact that you are not some kind of patsy that will just sit around and let things happen to you through the hypnotist. Now there is an effort coming from the patient itself. Change is no longer something done to you. Now you can do it yourself. A lot of the critics of hypnosis in the first place comes from the fact that people are not actively involved in the process. They are only recipients of the cure instead of being the problem solvers themselves.

This is especially true when it is used to curb a bad habit or get over an addiction. When attempting to change, a person should work hard at it otherwise, it will not be a change that comes from something internal. As they say easy come, easy go. Self-hypnosis however changes this fact as the patients themselves are active problem solvers being the hypnotist themselves.

One downside of self-hypnosis is the fact that it is done by an amateur— the patient who will probably know nothing about hypnosis except that fact that it can somehow solve his problem. Although the hypnotist will be there to guide you, an amateur will still be the one to handle everything and when you really think about it, will any sane person let an amateur get hold of their minds even if those persons are themselves? This is why one of the things that are often asked about self-hypnosis is its safety. According to experts, it is as safe as any hypnosis procedure, maybe even safer because at least this way, you can be sure that you are dealing with someone who is not there to con you.

Another disadvantage of self-hypnosis is the slow progress. Still, responses of people will also depend on whether they are receptive to the task or not. There are people who are more suggestible than other people and those who are not so suggestible will surely find it hard to find change.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The GainsOf Self Hypnosis

Nowadays, people are now going back to older and natural practices because they know that the modern times have been causing them too much stress. Of all the means of relaxation out there, more and more people are looking forward to experience the benefits of self hypnosis. Because of its effectivity in terms of calming the mind and developing a person's level of intuition, self hypnosis has now being performed not just a means of clearing the mind and inner reflection but also to heal various illnesses in the mind, emotions, and physical aspects.

Self hypnosis and its benefits

One of the most celebrated benefits of self hypnosis is that it greatly helps the person's physical state. Among the physical benefits of self hypnosis involve the heart through a deep rest because it decreases the person's metabolic rate as well as the heart rate, which leads to the reduction of workload for the heart. Also, self hypnosis can lower the levels of a person's cortisol as well as dissolving the chemicals that are closely associated with everyday stress. Other physical benefits of self hypnosis also include reduced free radicals in the body by eliminating oxygen molecules that are unstable, decreases a person's high blood pressure, develops the ability to have more resistant skin, improve air flow to the lungs to aid easy breathing, and delays biological aging in older people.

When it comes to psychological factor, self hypnosis aids in increasing the person's brain wave coherence, decreasing anxiety levels, often irritability, deep-set depression, and swing of moods, improves the person's memory as well as his or her learning ability, increases the person's ability for self-actualization, increases the person's feeling of youthfulness and rejuvenation as well as vitality, leads to positive outlook in life and joyfulness, and increases a person's emotional status and stability. Other noted benefits of self hypnosis for an individual and his or her community include:

- relaxation to the person's the body, mind, and soul,

- rejuvenation of energy to face the heavy challenges and stress ahead,

- healing of various illnesses that are closely-associated with the mind and the body,

- making a more stable person in terms of emotions,

- developments of relaxed family life and instilling positive outlooks in life to younger people,

- enhances the person's ability to make his or her mind function properly,

- letting a person discover his or her inner self, this in turn releases the creativity in the,

- it helps people to free themselves from various vices and addictions such as alcohol and cigarettes as well as in various medications such as tranquilizers and narcotics,

- it also helps a person to gain higher self-confidence, thus, resulting to stronger power of the will,

- it can be an effective and safe way of discovering one's self instead of focusing the attention to other unhealthy practices, and

- it aids in the development of the power of the mind.

The list goes on about the benefits of self hypnosis in an individual and to his or her community. In so many cases, these are positive benefits but once self hypnosis has not been used properly, people should be aware of the side effects. To avoid this from happening, people who are planning to get serious in meditation self hypnosis should always consult a professional before performing the practice.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Managing Stress Through Self Hypnosis

The stress levels of people now are much higher compared before. This is one of the reasons why more and more of them are finding ways to manage stress so as not to affect their overall health. One of the ways that people—especially those that have super stressful jobs—prefer is self hypnosis. This is because the practice can help them relieve and manage stress the most natural means possible.

Why use self hypnosis?

When the word "hypnosis" is mentioned, many people are hesitant to try it because of the common misconception that it can manipulate one to do things beyond his or her wishes. Not many of them realize that this is not always the case. If truth to be told, hypnosis—through self hypnosis—can be one of the best therapeutic tools that a person can use. This is because people can use this in overcoming their fears. It will also be able to help them in withstanding pain and manage varying levels of stress that they experience in their lives.

Nowadays, the horror of hypnosis is being changed because of the rise in awareness in its seemingly endless possibilities by using it in a therapeutic way. In fact, more and more establishments now are quite open to give hypnosis services to people. This is to prove that hypnosis can be a good thing if it is practiced or conducted by a licensed or a professional hypnotist. It is good to take note the are various types of hypnotists. In the industry of hypnosis, types of hypnotists include showroom hypnotists that usually work in bars and clubs and whose subjects are those people whose idea of good time by joining hundreds of people in places where alcohol is used as a social lubricant and clinical hypnotists, on the other hand, are those who deal with people that have problems and those who consider hypnotherapy as a means of relieving pain and overcoming addiction, fear and confusion.

But, if you still don’t have enough trust to other people in hypnotizing you because they might cause you to do something without your consent or proper awareness, it is best to conduct self hypnosis. This is because you are quite sure that nobody would try to hurt you or make fun of you since you will be conducting it yourself. Aside from ensuring that you are safe, you will also be able to save lots of time and some money since you won't have to travel all the way to a certain clinic and pay for the services of the hypnotist. All you have to do is do some research and you will learn how to use your own voice during the process.

Self hypnosis as a stress buster

Many people are finding it best to use self hypnosis as a stress buster because it does not really require so much time, money or effort. In fact, many people would agree that self hypnosis can be one of the easiest means of relieving stress by means of being in a relaxed state where you can directly address the tensions that you feel and somehow trigger your body's response to relaxation. This is helpful to be able to avoid chronic stress that may lead to many health problems. It can also help you achieve a healthier life because it can lead you to develop good habits that can veer you away from activities that have harmful effects not only to your physical body but to your emotional state as well.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

FAQs About Self-Hypnosis And Their Answers

Is it true that you can find out more about yourself when you do self-hypnosis?
Yes. Because you will be dealing with the subconscious, you may discover some facts about yourself that you may not know before. This is not some mystical fact or some unconscious secret. For the most part, you will become enlightened on the things that yo sometimes hide from yourself. You will even realize hidden motivations and repressed feelings that in some ways can help you become a better person.

Is it safe?
When in the hands of professional hypnotists, it is. The problem is with most reports is the fact that they blame the procedure when it is the individual’s fault. News of hypnosis sessions going awry is not the fault of hypnosis as a science but amateur and fake hypnotists. That is why it is important to research the background of hypnotists first before a person even makes an appointment. Remember that this person will have control of your mind for while. If that is not reason enough to really make sure they’re legitimate, I don’t know what is.

Can self-hypnosis make a person highly suggestible and easily influenced in real life?
Yes to the first question and no to the next. Regular practice of self-hypnosis can improve a person’s response to hypnosis. Sessions will be easier and faster and they will be able to make the most out of their self-hypnosis procedures. You will however be only highly suggestible during your own self-hypnosis sessions. This is because your brain has gotten used to it but if you hypnotize yourself for a completely different thing, it will be back to square one. This is also not something that will spill over your daily grind. People will not become easily influenced just because they practice self-hypnosis. Besides the better that you understand how “suggestions” work, the more you will be know how to resist other people’s subtle attempts at manipulating you.

What are things that you can use self-hypnosis with?
Some of the most common things that people use self-hypnosis for is changing an existing mindset and personality. A person for instance who easily angers can learn to be patient through self-hypnosis. The same goes with a person who cannot stop talking or gossiping. Students have also used self-hypnosis to improve their grades and enhance learning. Hypnosis is after all can improve one’s memory and level of concentration. There are some who have claimed that it also works wonders with relieving pain in the body. Hypnosis can make a person forget about the pain or not feel the pain at all. Although only a few cases of addiction have been associated with self-hypnosis, it has been linked to smoking cessation. Reports however on its effectiveness are still mixed and there is still a need for new data.

Can it improve sports performance? If yes, can it strengthen a person?
Some people have also claimed to using self-hypnosis to improve their performance in sports. This however does not make a person stronger. It cannot affect or change a person’s physical make-up. However the change in the performance may be brought on by an improved level of concentration as well as a more fearless attitude. Fear can sometimes make us hesitate even when we are already doing what comes naturally to us.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Basic Ways Of Self Hypnosis

As defined, self-hypnosis—also called "autohypnosis"—refers to a form of hypnosis where self-induction is used. Here, the person who practices self hypnosis uses "autosuggestion" or self-suggestion to be able to adjust or overcome certain conditions or situations. In most cases, self-hypnosis is used as a therapeutic supplement along with hypnotherapy.

Before getting into self hypnosis the best way to go is to research about it thoroughly first. Through research, you can get extensive information about the practice and you will have a better understanding how it would benefit you the most. You can do your research by getting online and surf websites that offer information aligned with the practice. Because of the easy access to information today, you can get almost anything you need to know about it in an instant. In fact, with so many pieces of information about it, you might be overwhelmed. It would be better to be specific on the topics that you really would want to know about so you won't be wasting your time searching for seemingly list of sites.

Aside from the Internet, you can also get information on various books as well as different magazines. Here, you can find interesting articles that can give you a better understanding of the practice especially on the methods that can be used according to the level of skills of the person.

If you are planning to conduct self hypnosis at home, it is best to ask people who have been practicing it for the basic methods that you can use. If you personally know people who are doing self hypnosis, it is best to get first hand information from them. Although you can get it also from the practitioners outside, it is still better if you get the facts straight from the people that you know. By doing this, you can get the best tips and advice on how to start with the practice and carry on with it for your personal as well as spiritual growth. Once enough information has been gathered, one can now start with self hypnosis.

Methods that are being used in self hypnosis

Experts in this field say that for self hypnosis to be successful, one should rely on the basic methods and learn them well. A considerable amount of knowledge on the basic methods will somehow help him or her be more familiar with the process and eventually be able to do it easier.

Today, most of the self hypnosis methods and techniques that are used may include induction procedures, methods for communicating with the subconscious part of the person's mind and suggestion formulation and application. Here are two of the most commonly used methods for self hypnosis:

1. Self Hypnosis induction script. This refers to the induction talk for people who will be practicing self-hypnosis. For many people, they can used this as a guide to thinking their way down. In many instances, this is being recorded and can only be listened to during the practice itself.

2. Autoquestioning. This refers to the set of methods and techniques that are used to get information right from the person's subconscious mind. Many people who practice self hypnosis use its subset, ideomotor questioning the most because the information gathered here are primarily used for correcting suggestions to change as well as acceptance and confirming of the person's subconscious.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Awaken Your Senses Through Self Hypnosis

The modern world has brought people a lot of preoccupation. It made living faster yet complicated, it made interactions wider yet shorter, and it made communication easier yet brief. Despite the so many preoccupations brought by media created by people, there are also those who would want to get back to their original self and connect with it in the most basic possible means. One of these is self hypnosis. Defined as a "process involving a hypnotist and a subject who agrees to be hypnotized," self hypnosis is characterized by intense concentration, extreme relaxation, and high suggestibility to both parties.

Experts say that the self hypnosis is versatile. In fact, its versatility can be quite unparalleled. Today, self hypnosis can take place in various social settings and continue to change social settings dramatically. Unlike before where settings of self hypnosis are quite limited, today the sessions between the hypnotist and the subject can take place in common places such as clinics, showrooms, classrooms, and even to open spaces and establishments.

Other experts use self hypnosis in order to recover suppressed memories of people who have had bad experiences to help them overcome the problems that they are dealing with right now while other psychologists and hypnotherapists use hypnosis to discover hidden truths from a person's ordinary consciousness. This is done by tapping into the unconscious state or mind where information are believed to dwell.


Many perceive that self hypnosis as a trance-like altered state of a person's consciousness while others believe that it is a way of accessing a person's unconscious mind that is filled to suppressed memories, repressed multiple personalities, various magical insights, and unforgettable memories of the past life. But, in the world of psychology, self hypnosis is considered as altered state and gateway to knowledge about one's self and the universe he or she is living in.

Today, self hypnosis is not only used for treating various behavioral problems but also for self-enhancement and improvement. If you are planning to get into hypnosis or self-hypnosis, there are so many things you need to consider. Experts say that self hypnosis is one of the excellent ways of taking control over one's life. In fact, it can be used as means of disciplining yourself if you want to achieve a specific goal. For some people, self-hypnosis is advisable if you want to achieve something and utmost dedication and discipline is needed. Hypnosis introduction can benefit those who would want to lose or gain weight; those who want to boost their self-confidence; and those who would want to overcome their fears or phobias because it can help them contemplate a lot on the things that they need to do.

If you are planning to get a course on self hypnosis, you can expect that it can teach you to reach your subconscious mind through bypassing your conscious mind as well as how to communicate with your subconscious mind, methods of creating your own hypnosis scripts and visualizations, how to design and use affirmations, the effects and use of symbols on the subconscious mind, how to understand which methods will be most effective for you personally, deepening your trance state and using visualizations, adapting to scripts to suit various problems, how to change your personal history and plan a more effective future and how to understand your dreams as well.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Getting Hypnosis Training On the Web

There are a lot of things you can do with the web. You can buy stuff, do some research and even earn a degree. Although no college offers a degree in hypnosis training, you can be certified and start practicing this specialized skill.

But what is hypnosis training and what do you get out of it? People who have hypnosis training have the ability to help people with a lot of problems. In fact, you can also learn things about yourself throughout the process and even use some of the things you have learned on yourself.

If you go online, you will realize that there are a lot of websites offering hypnosis training. You can get hypnosis training for free by simply downloading everything in your hard drive. If you are skeptic that it is too good to be true, learn it through websites that offer the program for a small fee.

Before you sign up with a program, you better do a background check to make sure it is legitimate. It would be nice if it is accredited as well so you become part of a bigger organization later on that could also recommend clients.

Apart from lectures, a better way to learn hypnosis is with the help of exercises and worksheets that are also provided. If al of this sounds interesting to you, then sign up by simply logging in your first name, surname and email address in the website.

Let’s say you are not learning enough by listening to a lecturer online. If this should happen, enroll in a course that is done in a classroom setting which is also offered by a lot of sites. These lectures are sometimes done one on one so you learn without anyone disturbing you.

At the end of the online course, people who complete the program will earn a certificate so you can already start your practice.

If you want to switch to a career in hypnosis, you are probably wondering how much money you can make from it.

The latest survey shows people who have just completed hypnosis training and are now working earn about $75 to $100 an hour. The more clients you get, the more you earn and if you become so successfully in helping patients, you could earn $75,000 or more in one year.

The sky is the limit especially when some predict that medical professionals themselves are getting into it and at times require the services of a hypnotist in helping a patient. A study shows that this technique achieves the desired results in just 6 sessions compared to psychoanalysis or behavior therapy which takes a lot longer.

Enrolling in hypnosis training is serious business so you have to think hard before enrolling in a program. This is because in your hands are the hopes of people who have had problems for years and chances are, they have already gone to other experts and tried various techniques to no avail.

If this is something you want to do, explore the various websites and see what is included in their training program. While some promise to teach you everything in 5 days, select one that allows you to learn hypnosis training at your own pace. That way, you won’t feel pressured moving to the next lesson.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hypnosis Training Can Be Downloaded

Can people be hypnotized to do something? The answer is yes. You probably saw such a trick on stage but this is very real. In fact, this is known as overt hypnosis which is one of the two types you can learn in hypnosis training.

Before we go to the second kind of hypnosis, let’s talk a little bit about overt hypnosis. People who are able to take control of another individual do this by using an induction script.

This is read and once the subject is able to block any other sounds, they are now under the command of the hypnotist. That person might be told to bark like a dog or quack like a duck until such time that the hypnotist terminates it.

Now it is time for the second type of hypnosis known as covert hypnosis. Unlike the first which is done to entertain people, the second once is used to help someone who has a problem.

People who want to try covert hypnosis are usually those who have an addiction or are suffering from a disorder. For this to work, the hypnotist must put them in a trance so they can go into their subconscious and impart hypnotic suggestions.

These days, you don’t have to go to school to get hypnosis training. There are products available that can teach you everything there is to know and these are sold in stores and online.

After following the lessons step by step, it won’t be long before you have the skills to help people and if you go into this full time, you could also be earning a lot of money.

But how will you know that you are ready to use your training? The best way to do that is to get a friend to help you out. You can also try this on yourself so can take notes as to where you are weak and then improve on it.

One thing you should know about hypnosis training is that the desired results will not happen after one session. It takes time and in most cases, you will see an improvement in the patient after 5 or 6 sessions.

If that doesn’t work, go back from the beginning and then make the necessary corrections. One of the challenging aspects about covert hypnosis is finding the right keyword. When the wrong keyword is used, nothing will happen so you have to rephrase it.

Are all the hypnosis training programs the same? The answer is no. When you are looking for one, make sure that the organization is headed by experts in the psychiatric field and the institution is recognized or accredited by a reputable institution.

There are limits to what hypnosis training can do for a patient. It can’t cure cancer or a heart disease. What it can only do now is help someone with problems of psychological origins.

If you don’t want to buy a book from the store, download everything there is to know about hypnosis training and then begin your education. It is easy to learn and after mastering the lesson, it won’t be long before you will be able to really practice what you have learned.

Will you be called a doctor? No only a specialist that has hypnosis training.

Monday, April 12, 2010

People With Hypnosis Training Can Be Of Help To Drug Addicts

Drugs are a problem and this is worse when you know someone who is using it. While many think that sending the person to rehab is the only solution, there are other ways to help them. One person that can help is someone who has had hypnosis training.

Someone who has hypnosis training can make your addiction go away by imparting hypnotic suggestion into your subconscious. To do that, they first have to make you go into a state of trance.

Most of the specialists you might find these days got their certificate of completion from hypnosis training in the web. In fact, there are hundreds of sites and it is easy to sign up and then get all the information you need to get started.

If you want to know what happens during their training, you can even try it out yourself. Hypnosis training involves listening to lectures and also doing a few worksheets and exercises that are designed to prepare you for the real thing.

But nothing can prepare you when you already working on a patient because you will have to find the right keyword or hypnotic suggestion to use otherwise the session will not be successful.

Can hypnosis really treat a drug addict? The answer is yes. There have been studies done about it and most of those who tried it are drug free. In fact, other studies have shown similar results for those who have a drinking problem and smoke excessively.

But there are limits to what hypnosis can do for a drug addict. This is because both the specialist and the drug addict have to work hand in hand to make this successful. If the drug addict is not open to hypnotic suggestion, nothing will happen.

Hypnosis training is effective and it can be used on an individual or group basis. This can only happen of course if the drug addict walks into the clinic and asks for help because these people will not go out into the streets looking for them.

This means the drug addict has to admit that he or she has a problem and must be willing to open to the idea of what hypnosis can do for them. They have to complete 5 sessions or more to see any improvement so do your share by encouraging them to continue. The end result is overwhelming and it is nice to know that you helped someone change their lives and remain drug free.

As for the rest who are still hooked, well you can ignore the problem or try to help them. You can do that by persuading them to see someone who has hypnotic training like your friend or take it as a call to become a specialist yourself and do your share.

If you decide to become a specialist, always remember to upgrade your skills regularly. While learning from experience is a very good teacher, there are other ways to become a better specialist. You just have to keep yourself updated with the latest information that will surely be released in journals and seminars.

Another option is to attend seminars by people in the same line of work because your hypnosis training can help millions only if you know how you can help them.

Hypnosis Training: A Way To Quit Smoking

Have you ever wondered how many sticks or packs of cigarettes you smoke everyday? Chances are, you don’t even think about it anymore but as numerous cases have shown, it has a way of catching up with you because you could die either of heart disease or lung cancer. Is it too late? No because someone with hypnosis training can help you quit smoking.

Can hypnosis really help? The answer is yes because what keeps us going in this habit is in our subconscious. If you want to change something, you have to make it happen here because this is what controls our actions and thoughts.

Specialists with hypnosis training can do that because they are the only ones that can go deep into your subconscious. As they are doing their share of the work, you have to do yours as well and that is by admitting to yourself you have a problem and you want to stop.

If you really want to stop, now is the time you go for a look for a specialist. This person will not know what is wrong or why you have decided to see them so tell them what is the problem. From there, they can schedule your first session.

Each session begins with you being told to sit on a chair or lie down on the floor. You will then be told to relax, to forget about everything that is happening around you and focus all your attention on their voice.

Once he or she sees that you are ready, this is the time they will say a certain keyword so that you will quit smoking. These words are said repeatedly throughout the session until the session ends.

Will you quit smoking after that? The answer is no. In fact, the way it works is that when you hear the keyword, you will suddenly remember not to smoke thus not giving in to the urge. You may still like to smoke after one session but give it several sessions that will not happen anymore.

The keywords or hypnotic suggestion that we keep on talking about is the backbone of hypnosis. What keyword will be used varies per person so the specialist has to figure that out first.

If many people have quit smoking thanks to hypnosis, there is a very big chance that this can also happen to you. You just have to do your share and if this fails, your fall back will be other methods to quit smoking like nicotine patches or gum.

But let’s not think that far ahead when you have not tried hypnosis. You can find a specialist to help you by looking through the phone book or online. When you are searching, check their credentials and ask if they have ever worked with someone with your problem before.

Naturally, you want to work with someone who has experience in this matter so that it will be worth the cost even if they charge you an arm and a leg.

Hypnosis training can help you quit smoking. You just have to be open to the power of hypnotic suggestion because this is the most important aspect of this technique. Once you are smoke free, the least you can do is help others kick the habit.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Goals Can Be Attained With A Little Hypnosis Training

Ever had a goal in life? A lot of us do and this is what keeps us going every single day. While most of us put in the hours to make that happen, it wouldn’t hurt to get a boost from someone who has had hypnosis training.

People with hypnosis training can help you achieve your goals because studies have shown there is a link between your subconscious and conscious mind. Most of the time, our thoughts and actions are controlled by our subconscious so if you work on this, the rest will follow suit.

To make this happen, the specialist has to get you into the zone. One you are in a trance like state, the specialist will now impart a keyword into your subconscious so you can achieve your goal no matter how small it may be.

Specialists who are able to help anyone achieve their dreams will have a lot of clients. These will include ordinary people like yourself and athletes as well.

But will the help provided by the specialist guarantee that you will achieve your goal? No because the specialist is merely a tool and it is your effort that will determine whether or not you make it happen. If you want to ace an exam, you have to study. If you want to win in an event, naturally you have to practice.

So if you think about it, there is no magic pill around that will help you achieve your goal. You must be prepared both mentally and physically to get the results you want.

If you want the help of a specialist, look at your phone directory or online. Once you have a few potentials, do some research by finding out how long they have been in the business, how much do they charge and what are their credentials.

Naturally, you want to work with someone who is renowned in the field so that you don’t waste your time and money.

There is no doubt that you can achieve almost anything with the help of someone with hypnosis training. Aside from helping you achieve your goals, they can also help people suffering from anxiety disorders, addictions and low self-esteem. The common denominator with all of these is the fact that these are all psychological in origin.

This means that these are all in the mind and if you want to do something about it, you need someone to go deep into your subconscious so the proper changes can be made. This can only happen of course if you know someone who has had hypnosis training.

Did you know that you can also achieve your goals by getting hypnosis training? Yes you can because there are courses offered with videos, worksheets and exercises that can teach you everything there is to know.

If you don’t want to get hypnosis training, there is another option. You can buy a CD or download a recording from the web that focuses on goal setting. It is free so you should take advantage of it.

Nobody can be called a specialist and work with certain people without the proper hypnosis training. It is easy to learn and even you can be taught how to do it. You just need to put in the time and open up your mind.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hypnosis Training As A Depression Treatment

People feel depressed every now and then. If this affects your ability to work or do anything, then you really have a problem. In fact, this happens to one in six Americans. Fortunately, there is a way to feel good again and this can only happen if you talk with someone who has had hypnosis training.

But before we explain what hypnosis can do for you, we have to understand how grave depression can be. By definition, it is a state of being that lasts for long period of time and as a result affects your body, mood and thoughts.

This is much different than feeling bad from losing a game or not getting what you want because it could be caused by something worse such as the loss of a loved one. Although there are anti-depressants available to treat it, people have to deal with the side effects so taking it is not always the solution.

Specialists who have had hypnosis training can help people suffering from depression by going into their subconscious and then making things right. Before they can do that, the specialist has to figure out why he or she feels that way and then helps resolve the problem.

The session usually begins with the specialist instructing the patient to sit or lie down and telling them to relax. Once they are in a trance like state, the specialist will now use hypnotic suggestion to alleviate the depression.

Hypnotic suggestion is basically a keyword that is implanted into the patient’s subconscious. If the word used is not effective, this is rephrased until the right one is found and then repeated several times.

Most patients will not feel any different after just one hypnosis session. This is why they are told to come back for a few more. Although you pay for the sessions by the hour, the advantage of going through it is that there are no side effects unlike what happens when you take conventional medication.

We have discussed for the most part, what a specialist can do for someone who is depressed. What people should understand though is that the patient who needs help has to do some of the work as well.

While therapy can change what you think subconsciously, they have to set goals for themselves so they have a new reason to live. It does not have to be big goals at first but once these have been accomplished, they can set for bigger ones in the future.

Patients who can take hold of their lives after hypnosis sessions will one day be back to their normal selves. If they don’t do that, then all that time and effort at the clinic will be for nothing.

The hard part for people feeling depressed is admitting to themselves they have a problem and that they need help. This is where friends come in because without them, they could continue going down this path and they could end up doing something harmful to people or even themselves.

Years ago, people did not know how to deal with depression. Since then, we have found ways to treat this and other problems with the help of a specialist with hypnosis training that can do a lot for people suffering from this anxiety disorder.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Self Esteem Can Be Boosted With Hypnosis Training

Are you a confident person? If you are, then you don’t have any problems. But if you are not that confident, it is not too late to change because all you need is someone who has had hypnosis training.

Hypnosis has been around for a very long time. If you think this is only for entertainment purposes, think again because studies have shown that it can help people with problems that are psychological in origin.

Examples of problems that are psychological in origin are anxiety disorders. Part of that is PTSD or post traumatic stress disorder which occurs after the person has had a traumatic experience.

People with hypnosis training can also help those who are suffering from an addiction. Studies have shown that it can help people who smoke, drink or take illegal drugs.

To help someone with low self-esteem, the specialist has to talk with that person and find out why he or she is like that. Did something happen before? Most of the time, this is the reason and once that has been identified, work can begin.

The session begins with the patient being told to sit on a chair or lie down on the floor and then just relax. Once the specialist sees that the patient is very comfortable, the most important aspect of the session is implemented, which is the power of hypnotic suggestion.

Hypnotic suggestion is implanted into the person’s subconscious since this is what controls the conscious mind. To make sure that this works, this is repeated several times.

The session may last from 30 minutes to an hour. It ends when the specialist instructs the patient to wake up with a clap of a hand, counting numbers backward or simply opening their eyes.

One session may not be enough to boost your self-esteem. You will have to attend several more because you won’t feel anything yet.

If everything works out, then your hypnosis treatment is a success. You will now appreciate your life for what it is and be optimistic about the future.

Having high self-esteem makes it easier for you to make new friends and interact with others. If you feel like down after some time, recharge yourself by having another session with a specialist or get one of those CD recordings that are being sold in record stores.

For those who don’t want to buy a CD or pay a specialist, you can download this free from a website because what you hear someone say is more of less the same.

A person with hypnosis training will not be able to do much if you are not open to hypnotic suggestion. This is because if you have to believe what it can do otherwise you are just wasting your time and money getting help from a specialist.

So, think hard before you decide to see a specialist. When you are ready, give one of them a call and then set an appointment.

Once you walk in the clinic, tell the specialist what is your problem and answer whatever questions they ask. Low self-esteem is different from other illnesses because it does not go away after you swallow a pill. In fact, there is no medication for this type of a problem. The only one that can help right now is someone who has had hypnosis training.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hypnosis Training Can Be Used to Help Patients Suffering From Post Traumatic Stress

Post hypnotic stress or PTSD can happen to anyone. You don’t have to be a soldier to see what it is like since you could have witnessed a murder, been involved in an accident, raped, abused or survived a natural disaster. Naturally, you need counseling to overcome what has happened and people with hypnosis training can help.

Studies have shown hypnosis can help a patient deal with PTSD. Unlike other anxiety disorders, this will be a bit more challenging given the circumstances that occurred. To help patients deal with it, the specialist has to first develop a strategy.

The best approach is a straight forward one so you know what they have been through. Each case is different so veterans are treated differently from people who were abused or raped.

The only thing that stays the same though is what happens during the hypnosis session. Once the person is relaxed, it is time for the specialist to use the power of hypnotic suggestion to make the patient let go of what happened.

When the session is nearly finished, the patient is brought back to reality by counting backwards, by snapping one’s fingers, a clapping of the hands or simply instructing the patient to open their eyes.

Was the treatment successful? You will only that if the patient no longer has nightmares of what happened or claims that they now feel better.

If you want to do more than just find a specialist to help someone who needs their expertise, you can enroll in a program that teaches you how to do hypnosis your self. There are courses offered in some schools and also online. Aside from listening or watching lectures, you also get to work on exercises and worksheets which will prepare you for the real thing.

For those who want to pursue a career in hypnosis, make sure that you get it from a reputable institution that is recognized so people will not question your capability as a specialist. See that it is accredited by National Board of Professional and Ethical Standards and British Association of Therapeutically Hypnotists or some other organization.

Hypnosis has been in use for many years and it is now being used for other problems aside from PTSD. It can be used to help people with other anxiety disorders, addictions, people who have low self-esteem and goal setting.

In fact, a lot of doctors are now requesting the aid of specialists when they are not able to help a patient. This shows that doctors are now open to the idea that a patient can be treated without the use of medication and other techniques.

You or whoever needs help just has to be open-minded too otherwise no amount of hypnosis sessions will ever work and help you forget the traumatic event.

PTSD is a problem and this will continue to affect people regardless of age or gender because no one can prepare you for what is about to happen. When the situation occurs, the only thing you can do is deal with the event later on. Fortunately, we now have the means to deal with it and if treatment is successful, we owe a debt of gratitude to those who have had hypnosis training.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Is It A Must To Go To College So As To Get Hypnosis Training?

You have probably heard people say that if you want to earn a lot of money, you have to go to college. While this is true because you are paid more than someone who just graduated from secondary school, you don’t always have to complete a 2 or 4 year course because there are programs like hypnosis training which you can complete in less than 6 months.

Hypnosis training is now being offered by various institutions. One good example is online since there are hundreds of them once you look this up through a search engine.

But why is it getting popular? This is simply because there are a lot of problems that modern medicine cannot fix on its own. Two of these happen to be anxiety disorders and addictions. While there are pills or isolation techniques that can work, it does not solve the underlying problem.

With hypnosis training, you get to go deep into the patient’s subconscious without even opening their brain. Once you get the person to relax, you can something inside that will change who they are for the better.

But before you can impart the message, you have to learn how to deal with the patient. You have to read what happened to them before and then figure out a way to reach out to them. This means building rapport with the patient so they will be open to what hypnosis can do for them.

During hypnosis training, you will surprisingly learn more about yourself. Some experts are even able to use what they learn to help themselves with a technique known as self-hypnosis.

Is hypnosis training hard? Not really because some people will tell you that you can learn everything there is to know in a matter of days. The same thing can happen to you if you are determined so that in the end, you can get certification and start your practice.

Analysts believe that the number of certified hypnotist’s will increase in the foreseeable future. This is because although it can only treat a limited number of problems, it is far more effective in helping a patient compared to behavior therapy or psychoanalysis.

Does this mean that clients will start pouring in or lining up outside your clinic once you open your business? Not in the beginning but if you happen to be the only one around or you have successfully helped other patients, your name will surely go around by word of mouth.

You just have to put in the time in the program first and then let people around know that you are there to help.

So do you have to get a degree to have hypnosis training? Certainly not when you can enroll in a program online and then download the lectures, worksheets and exercises into your hard drive. You can try those that offer the program for free or pay a small amount that comes with a money back scheme if you are not satisfied.

People who have hypnosis training should not be content with what they learned in the past because there are new discoveries in this field. From time to time, you should also attend lectures, seminars and other programs to make sure you are at the top of your game.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hypnosis Training That Are Downloadable

Have you ever wanted to hypnotize someone and make them things? Well you can but that is not what hypnosis training should be used for. With the tools, you should use it to help people especially those who have problems that are psychological in origin.

To do that, you don’t have to enroll in school when there are programs that can be downloaded from the web. This is because there are hundreds of websites now that can teach you everything there is to know.

The only thing you need is a computer that has an internet connection. Once you type in for instance, “hypnosis training online” a number of these will pop out and you just have to choose among them which you want to explore further.

When you have found the site that will give you the proper hypnosis training, you can start downloading all the information into your hard drive.

Before you download it, make sure that the files are compatible with your current software otherwise you will not be able to open it.

Once it has been saved, you can look at it any time you want which means you can learn at your own pace. If you are not satisfied with what you downloaded, you can go to another site and hope that they are much better than the one you started with.

The length of time it will take for you to learn everything varies. While some can learn it in about a week, people who don’t have time to learn everything may take longer.

To see if you are making progress, you can try what you learned on yourself or ask a friend to help you out. If everything is working, then you are ready to take the next step which is certification.

To succeed in hypnosis training, you have to be open minded of what it can do and this should also be the attitude of whoever you help. If they are skeptic, nothing will happen so that is something they have to understand.

If you want to make a difference in someone’s life, you can start by downloading hypnosis training methods and techniques then mastering them. When you have done so, you can already start helping people by advertising so people will come to you and seek your assistance.

Those who are just starting out their practice will make some mistakes along the way but should continue to strive for excellence so their business will flourish.

Part of that includes attending seminars or conferences and reading books or journals to keep these individuals updated with any new techniques or developments in this field.

Being skilled in hypnosis training takes time. Once you have mastered it, use your knowledge to help others because it is the right thing to do. Remember, helping society starts by working with one patient and then moving on to another.

If you are very good, your reputation will be well known and you could be very successful in your career which is what everybody is hoping for regardless of the career they have chosen.

This includes people like yourself who are willing to undergo hypnosis training which is a technique that has been practiced for years and only now making a contribution in the medical field.